Art Gallery

Now On Display

John Prince


Photography Exhibit

Artist Reception: Friday, February 28th  6:00 - 8:00 pm
On Display:  March - April

This show is available during business hours (Tuesday – Friday from 10 am – 5 pm) or on weekends by advance appointment only.

John has been a lifelong photographer and a Nebraska native.  He grew up in Minden and considers this 'Home'.  A member of the Professional Photographers of America, Wedding and Portrait Photographers International for over 25 years as well as numerous local art and photography clubs and organizations, Prince's show is an eclectic mix of some of the past juried shows he has participated in, showing some of the versatility in his portfolio. John is now retired in North Carolina where he and his wife Tami are building their new home.  Their travels and life around the world have contributed to his photographic growth and artistic eye.

About the Gallery

The Minden Opera House Gallery is pleased to display the work of a variety of artists from Nebraska or have a connection to Nebraska. Artists are selected by committee. If you are interested in displaying at the Minden Opera House Gallery, please submit 5-7 digital samples of your work and complete the following forms and return them to: Minden Opera House Gallery, PO Box 1, Minden, NE 68959

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