Presented by Minden Community Players. Ben Rumson is a grizzled prospector whose daughter Jennifer finds gold near their camp. Word of the strike gets around and the town’s population grows tremendously. Jennifer falls in love with a prospector, but goes East to school. When the gold strike is over, she returns to find her town a ghost town and her loved ones left with nothing but their hopes and dreams.
Opening weekend special – all seats just $12! Regular tickets $15.
Sponsored by The Amick/Youngson Foundation, Nathan Raun Children’s Theatre Fund, and Minden Community Players. Missoula Children’s Theatre presents HERCULES, an original adaptation of the classic children’s story. The Olympic Games are starting soon, and the Cyclopes and Titans are both expecting to win big in the games. But the tournament can’t start without Hercules. Will the legendary strongman of the ancient world spark the flame and start the festivities on time, or will his legendary tardiness get in the way of the games?
AUDITIONS – Monday, July 14th at 10:00 am (with rehearsal for some parts in the afternoon). Approximately 50 roles are available. Students must be entering 1st through 12th grade. No advance preparation is necessary. Most students rehearse approximately 4 hours and 15 minutes each day, Tuesday through Friday, but schedules may vary. PARENTS (or other responsible adults) will need to complete this form on Monday morning, or can complete it in advance and send it with the child/ren: REGISTRATION FORM.
PERFORMANCES – Friday, July 18th at 6:30 pm and Saturday, July 19th at 1:30 pm. Adults $7 / Children ages 5-13 $5 / Under 5 free